Enter the following factors for the subject property.
Number of Units
Total Gross Income * Enter the yearly gross income including laundry/storage/parking if any
Vacancy (%) * 5% is the average use by most banks/lenders
Expenses (%) * 30%‐35% are the average expenses, not Including management fees
Net Operating Income (NOI)
Gross Rent Multiplier (GRM) * GRM figures will vary between 12.5 to 18 depending on your location
Capitalization Rate (CAP) % * CAP Rates vary between 3.5 and 6.5 depending on your location
Projected Property Value
GRM – projected value
CAP – projected value
Projected Combined Value
Price Per Unit
Need Help? * Call Chester Oak Real Estate Group for help to determine the subject properties value.

Disclaimer: The calculations and figures are averages and estimations only. There are many contributing factors that will help establishing the final value. These items include, but are not limited to city and location of the property in question, condition of the exterior and interiors, rent control etc.

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